
Monday, January 9, 2012


A few months ago, I found this pin via Pinterest, and immediately loved the idea - I even tried to do with my students every few weeks, but several of them kept writing the same answer for every section (like "soccer" - really? you're currently listening to soccer? I don't think so), so I decided to let it go. Now that I'm getting back onto the teacher blog bandwagon, I figured it's finally time for me to submit one of my own. If you don't know Farley yet, she's the curator of all things Currently (at least, as far as I know!), and she's pretty hilarious. Here's my 'currently' contribution:

I thought it would be appropriate for my "one little word" to be focus - a few days ago, I was getting stuck on the word organize, but I think I'm already too organized for my word to be organize. So, since I want to make time management a priority, I'll definitely need to focus on making and sticking to a schedule. I also want to focus on myself - I want to focus on staying healthy and fit, and I want to focus on doing more things that make me happy - like crafting, cooking, reading, and blogging!

If any of you happen to find me through Farley's link up, I'd love it if you'd follow me! I think if I had more followers, I'd be more likely to keep up with my posting! I also have a few things I'd like to share this week, if I can figure out how to upload and embed documents to my posts! (Anyone have any tips for that? I'm at a loss - the only thing I can get to work right now is a big old ugly URL!) As for now, I have a few papers to grade before crawling in to bed - I always seem to have trouble falling asleep on Sunday nights, and as a result, I'm exhausted on Mondays. Here's hoping sleep will be on my side tonight!


  1. To embed a picture with a Google Doc link you take a snapshot of your document and save it as a jpg file. Then upload it to your blog, copy the Google embed code and then link it to your picture.

    Yearn to Learn Blog

  2. I'm a new follower! Glad I found your blog!!

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